I believe we have the right to live as our healthiest, sexiest, most beautiful self.
I believe that being comfortable in your own skin means living authentically.
I believe we all have the power to shape our world and live in true beauty.
I have a passion for what I believe, from that passion I write this blog, because I also believe, you are excruciatingly beautiful and your skewed idea of body image and weight is holding you back in this life. I want to make you think. I want to make you feel. I want to help you see anything is possible and that you can change the world, you just have to see it and believe it.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Awareness is Key

I believe being comfortable in your own skin is about more than weight. In fact, I believe it has very little to do with weight. I'm extremely comfortable in my skin, but not in my current body, so I thought we could talk a little about that because I don't want this daily conversation to be solely weight focused. I know weight is such a big issue, but I see it more as a symptom than a problem in and of itself most of the time. If you find a way to navigate your life that brings you peace and joy, if you find that place that is authentic for you, you will be far more able to handle your weight.

Here's the thing, life holds unlimited possibilities. It's like Disneyland. Anything you could ever want for joy and happiness is there, but you can't possibly do it all in one visit. A successful visit is achievable only when you research, plan, discuss and then accept the unpredictable like a ride breakdown.

What makes you passionate? What sends a surge of joy through your soul so potent you can't control it?

Do you have it in your mind?

How often do you partake that passion?

Do you live it?
Do you squeeze it in where you can?
Do you deny it completely?

Now I want to know, whatever your answer was... why?

If you're one of those people who lives their passion, share with us! Tell us why, tell us how you found the strength to grab it! If you rarely or never indulge, I want to know why to that also. Not because I think you're wrong, I make no judgements on your life, its yours, you have to navigate it, but you need to understand my family, they are the type of people who do things without thinking. Most of my family is now dead, but I remember as a child, a teen and an adult watching these people run from things, hide from emotions, just jump in without ever checking the water level in the pool. I have never understood that and from this, my passion for making people think has grown to a point where I can no longer hide it.

I've learned from my suffering and my trials and I strive to live authentically and intentionally no matter what, but I honestly do not want anyone to follow me and my life choices like a little mindless drone. That's not what I'm about. I have nothing invested in your life choices, but what drives me, and what grieves me, is to see you running your life with no real foundation or direction other than to do what everyone around you is doing. If I could give you one gift, it would be the gift of vision and clarity. Whatever choices you are making in your life, please just know why you are making them. Even the unhealthy ones, if you are at least aware of them, when you have the strength, you'll change.

Being self aware is key to authentic living and authentic living is key to abundant living and I know you want that and I want it for you more than anything!

 I realize no life is perfect,we always have things to trim and change and as we learn and grow, new things become important, our focus shifts, old things fade away. Life is fluid, accept that. I spent decades of my life thinking if I just got it to "this" place, it would somehow miraculously stay like a painting and all would be perfect in my world. It doesn't work like that. Life is more like a garden. You may have just been out there weeding, pruning and watering this morning, and you got that thing looking spectacular... this afternoon, the summer heat wilted it, weeds came back and you suddenly have an aphid infestation! It's okay, be calm, one trial at a time we lay the path that is our life.

As my life is transcending, so are my blogs, there may be a few bumps in the road ahead as I go through some construction, but please hang in with me. Life is an incredible journey and I only want to walk it with you if you'll let me. <3

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