I believe we have the right to live as our healthiest, sexiest, most beautiful self.
I believe that being comfortable in your own skin means living authentically.
I believe we all have the power to shape our world and live in true beauty.
I have a passion for what I believe, from that passion I write this blog, because I also believe, you are excruciatingly beautiful and your skewed idea of body image and weight is holding you back in this life. I want to make you think. I want to make you feel. I want to help you see anything is possible and that you can change the world, you just have to see it and believe it.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Shift in the Weather

I woke up this morning... and it was cold! :(

The wind has been blowing all night and has apparently brought with it the first breath of winter. I seriously had a moment earlier where I thought, maybe I'll just pick walking back up in the spring. However, I got my mile in today, wind and cold not withstanding, and have decided not to worry about however cold it gets or how much snow we have this winter. On days I can walk, I'll walk. On days I can't, I won't beat myself up over it. This is my life, it's not a race, there's no finish line on my health. It just is and I just will.

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